Dark Tide (2012)
- IMDb page: Dark Tide (2012)
- Rate: 4.1/10 total 819 votes
- Genre: Adventure | Drama | Thriller
- Release Date: 12 April 2012 (Russia)
- Runtime: UK:94 min
- Filming Location: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
- Budget: $25,000,000(estimated)
- Director: John Stockwell
- Stars: Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez and Ralph Brown
- Original Music By: Mark Sayfritz
- Soundtrack: Sorrows
- Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
- Plot Keyword: Shark | Diving Instructor | Diver
Writing Credits By:
- Ronnie Christensen screenplay
- Amy Sorlie screenplay
- Amy Sorlie story
(in alphabetical order)
Known Trivia
Plot: A professional diver tutor returns to deep waters after 9 years, following an almost fatal encounter with a great white shark. The nightmare from the deep is still lurking - more carnivorous and hungry than ever. Full summary » »
Story: Kate is a shark expert whose business has been failing since a shark attack killed a fellow diver under her command. Once dubbed "the shark whisperer," Kate is haunted by the memory of the attack and unable to get back into the water. With bills piling up and the bank about to foreclose on Kate's boat, Kate's ex-boyfriend Jeff presents her with a lucrative opportunity to lead a thrill-seeking millionaire businessman on a dangerous shark dive - outside the cage. Battling her self-doubts and fear, Kate accepts the proposal and sets a course for the world's deadliest feeding ground - Shark Alley.Written by Official Site
Synopsis: Kate Mathieson (Halle Berry) is a diver who is deeply drawn to close encounters with the magnificent White Sharks who rule the primal predator shore of isolated Guadalupe island. When her husband chooses ambition over his wife’s safety in a split second encounter with the jaws of death, her marriage nearly breaks apart.
A year later, a monsoon season voyage back to the same island becomes an escalating series of terrifying underwater confrontations and gut-wrenching emotional challenges. Testing her courage in the face of nature’s ultimate terror, Kate proves herself to be as tough as the men she is attracted to; and perhaps bravest of all she endures and changes the terms of the contest with mankind’s most feared underwater predator
FullCast & Crew
Produced By:
- Jeanette Buerling known as producer
- Verenice Buerling known as associate producer
- Matthew E. Chausse known as producer
- Sukee Chew known as executive producer
- Meg Clark known as co-producer
- Ali Cook known as executive producer
- Trish Cook known as associate producer
- Michael Corso known as associate producer
- Chris Curling known as supervising producer
- Brian Donovan known as line producer
- Vlokkie Gordon known as co-producer
- Anthony Gudas known as associate producer
- Nina Heyns known as line producer: South Africa
- John Michaels known as executive producer
- Maggie Monteith known as executive producer
- Celine Rattray known as executive producer
- Douglas Saylor Jr. known as co-producer
- Adi Shankar known as executive producer
- Martin Shore known as executive producer
- Spencer Silna known as executive producer
- Matthew Spain known as associate producer
- Guy Tannahill known as line producer
- Christopher Tuffin known as executive producer
- Eric van den Eijnden known as co-executive producer
- David Wicht known as co-producer
FullCast & Crew:
- Halle Berry known as Kate Mathieson
- Olivier Martinez known as Jeff
- Ralph Brown known as Brady
- Mark Elderkin known as Tommy
- Luke Tyler known as Nate
- Thoko Ntshinga known as Zukie
- Sizwe Msutu known as Walter
Supporting Department
Makeup Department:- Lynda Armstrong known as makeup & hair supervisor
- Megan Chassay known as first assistant makeup artist
- Tanya Dennis known as assistant makeup artist
- Raine Edwards known as makeup department head
- Norma Hill-Patton known as makeup artist/hair stylist to Halle Berry
Art Department:
- Jonathan Alenskas known as graphics pre vis
- Gaby Beyers known as art coordinator
- Rial De Wet known as storyboard artist
- Kirk Doman known as property master
- Douglas Ingram known as storyboard artist
- Mark Risk known as storyboard artist
- Brendan Smithers known as construction coordinator
- J.D. van Brakel known as props buyer
- Dene van der Walt known as props
Production Companies:
- Magnet Media Group
- Magnet Media Productions
- Magnet Media Productions (producer)
- Mirabelle Pictures
- Film Afrika Worldwide (co-producer)
- Lipsync Productions
- Social Capital
Other Companies:
- Anvil Post Production foley recording
- Audiolink Radio Communications cell phone rentals
- Audiolink Radio Communications walkie talkies
- Cutting Edge Group music services
- De Lane Lea ADR recording
- Framepool stock footage
- Lip Sync Post post-production facilities
- Pyranha Stunts stunt team
- Sakonnet Capital Partners tax credit financing
- Sapex Scripts post-production script services
- Scallywag Travel travel agent
- Take 2 Film Services camera equipment provided by
- Technicolor dailies
- Technicolor negative development
- Wrekin Hill Entertainment (2012) (USA) (theatrical)
- Andrea Leone Films (2011) (Italy) (all media)
- Cinesky (2011) (worldwide) (all media) (airlines)
- DeA Planeta Home Entertainment (2012) (Spain) (all media)
- E Stars Films (2012) (China) (all media)
- Gulf Films (2011) (Lebanon) (all media)
- Multivision Multimedia India (2011) (India) (all media)
- Square One Entertainment (2011) (Germany) (all media)
- Swen Entertainment (2011) (Mexico) (all media)
- TMC Film (2011) (Turkey) (all media)
- VVS Films (2011) (Canada) (all media)
- Village Roadshow Greece S.A. (2011) (Greece) (all media)
- Warner Bros. (2011) (Czech Republic) (all media)
- Warner Bros. (2011) (Poland) (all media)
Other Stuff
Special Effects:
- Pat Hobby Film and Media
- Lip Sync Post (additional visual effects)
- One Of Us (visual effects)
- Pixomondo
Visual Effects by:
- Tom Balkwill known as visual effects colourist
- Luke Butler known as digital compositor
- Naomi Butler known as digital compositor
- Jorge Canada Escorihuela known as compositor
- Matt Chandler known as lead effects TD
- Lee Clappison known as digital colourist
- Peter Collins known as digital intermediate
- Stefan Drury known as head of visual effects
- James Elster known as digital compositor
- Frank Engen known as compositor
- Sean Farrow known as executive visual effects supervisor
- Richard Frazer known as compositor
- Andy Hague known as visual effects editor: storm sequence
- Ernesto Herrmann known as digital compositor
- Thilo Kuther known as visual effects executive producer
- David Lloyd known as senior systems engineer
- Abigail McKenzie known as digital lab operator
- Emelie Nilsson known as digital compositor
- Ian Noe known as visual effects supervisor
- Antonio Rodríguez Díaz known as digital compositor
- Katie Roehrick known as visual effects coordinator
- Lucy Seaborne known as on-line editor
- Daniel Spain known as systems engineer
- Lucy Tanner known as visual effects coordinator
- Victor Tomi known as digital compositor
- Daniel Tomlinson known as senior DI operator
- Diana Vasquez known as digital lab operator
Release Date:
- USA 8 March 2012 (Video On Demand)
- USA 30 March 2012 (limited)
- Russia 12 April 2012
- Hong Kong 3 May 2012
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for bloody shark attacks/disturbing images, and for language including sexual references
Filmography links and data courtesy of The Internet Movie Database
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
i actually really enjoyed this,if you like the ocean you like greatwhite sharks then this is perfect for you.The acting is prettydecent,the cinematography is really good i'm mean it looks absolutelyreal!o.k maybe these guys were asking for trouble,but then again thereare people that do this everyday out in South Africa and i bet if youtalked to every single one of them they could tell you of someseriously close calls,after all you are dealing with the oceans secondtop predator.(and even though sharks mistake us for food as we are nottheir usual prey,rogue sharks do exist and have to be killed it happensall over the world so anyone that says sharks don't blindly attachhumans are misinformed…anyway)I though it was better than Open Waterboth one and two and if think there's been loads such as adrift etcetc.The action is great there is some emotional depth between the twomain protagonists and to me it seemed like a very enjoyable film.I'dgive it a 6.6 out of ten.i thoroughly enjoyed it.Check it out foryourself.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
I liked Darktide mainly because of it's camera work and portrayal ofthe Great White shark.
The underwater camera work appeared to be original and was impressivein terms of continuity, unlike most shark films where footage isborrowed from a documentary and pasted in.
The behaviour of the sharks is also more realistic, showing that peoplewith experience can swim with them outside the cage and not beattacked.
The film is let down by a thin plot and bland characters.
I would rate this as the third best shark movie after Jaws(obviously)and The Reef(underrated).
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
I was looking forward to seeing DARK TIDE because I love shark movies,even though typically you've seen one, you've seen them all! I haveeven tried to see some of those ridiculous B shark movies where youwonder how they ever got the funding to be made! The same question isposed to this film, and why Halle Berry (an Oscar winner) signed on.The film isn't terrible, but it fails to bring much new new to thetable.
Unlike "Deep Blue Sea," a good shark movie since "Jaws," this one endsleaving you almost frustrated. Berry plays Kate Mathieson, a marinebiologist who was once called "the shark whisperer," but hasn't beenback in the water since the death of her mentor. That is until a richEnglishman and his son wants to pay her $100,000 so they can swim withsharks. Her husband (Martinez) talks her into it, and while she doesn'tpromise the Englishman exactly what he wants, she still takes theloonies out on the boat with her crew and from there just make a seriesof stupid choices. She is supposed to be our movies heroin, a smartwoman, yet she agrees to this even though she has already lost someoneto a shark. Why would she want to be responsible for more? I am sureshe could have found the money another way. While the story isn'texactly predictable you still don't know why they are even in the waterin the first place dealing with this stubborn man whom they knownothing about, amidst the sharks mating season. Then after an argumentbreaks out they decide to go to the most shark infested area of all.Stupid! By this point you really don't care that much about itscharacters since there development is only paper-thin.
I like the fact that "Dark Tide" takes place in South Africa instead ofthe typical US beach locations. Unknown to me, it has the largest sharkpopulation in the world. There are times during the film where you arenot sure what kind of film you are watching - a drama? a thriller? alove story? If it was supposed to be a thriller it had some shockingmoments but not scary enough to really break new ground. Nothing inregards to shark attacks we haven't already seen before. I am not surewhy two great actors signed off on this film, it wasn't a waste of timebut it wasn't the best either.
Breakaway Film http://breakawayradio.ca/film
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
To me, Halle Berry's acting abilities are slim to non existent. Forthis movie she is definitely the wrong choice. She so not belongs inthis environment. She so does not fit in. This movie might have beengreat with another actress in the lead role. With a complete differentcast, in fact. And a different script… The filming sequences in theocean with the sharks are great and also the shots of the boat. ButHalle Berry just does not belong there. A bunch of loonies and ahysterical bitch are going to dive with the great white - in the worstpossible time of year (mating season). And they go about it in anextremely irresponsible way. Not one character in the entire movie isin any way likable. I mean, I don't go watch a movie to see that theworld is full of ####. I don't need Hollywood to realize that. Myrating is 3 of 10, and all three stars go exclusively to the sharks.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
…. and wishing they'd arrive soon and gobble up the entire cast ofthis terminally boring movie. But, alas, they didn't; and the thingdragged on and on interminably… until, after what felt like aneternity, it finally reached its always predictable, anticlimacticclimax.
What can we say about the cast? It would perhaps be more accurate todescribe them as the miscast. Halle Berry looks great. If I wentthrough what she went through in this movie I'd look like something thecat brought in. But even at her most artistically bedraggled, Berrylooks as if she could just slip into a D&G dress and sashay down thecatwalk in Paris or Milan. Boat skippers have wind-washed complexions.Throughout this movie Berry always looks as if she could have juststepped out of the beauty parlor, with her perfect eye-liner, hermanicured nails and her perfect tan. Her hair gets tousled every nowand then, but that's about the extent of her dishevelment. If theywanted me to believe that she was the head of a model agency, or theeditor of a woman's magazine, I might have bought it. But a sharkexpert who spends half her life on a boat? No way, Jose. And the restof the miscast were no more believable.
In fairness, the cinematography was excellent. The sharks were great,too. But they arrived about an hour and twenty minutes too late, forwhich they will not be lightly forgiven by anyone who got suckered intowasting 94 minutes of their life watching this god awful movie.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
First off I'm not a hater of Halle Berry. I'm just one of many whobelieve her acting performances are overrated. This film was incrediblyboring for the majority of it's 110 minutes. The parts played by thefather and son became ridiculously overbearing and unbelievable. Therelationship between Halles' character and her estranged husband alsohad many holes. The thing that sticks out to me the most is why theythought using a piece of shark footage that was so well known and seenby so many before, would be good for this movie. The way it wasincorporated into the film was juvenile. The clip is obviously that ofthe shark leaping clear out of the water with baby seal in mouth. Thereare very little if any good things to say about this film. My rating of3.5 is incredibly generous. Overall, not very good.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
I am a little perplexed by the low ratings but the question is whatdoes one expect from a Shark movie. People have compared it with thedeep blue sea but this movie would trounce the former hands down.Probably the best shark movie after Jaws.
Extremely impressive camera work. True did'nt get the goose bumps butwas treated to an amazing photography especially the larger shark shotsin the Shark Alley. Halle Barry looked a little woody in the beginningbut then came into her own as he movie progresses. Oliver Martinez wasimpressive though and could do with some meaty roles. This moviedeserves to be watched.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
The reviews who say that this movie is bad, boring, and the charactersare unlikeable simply expect a different kind of movie and haveforgotten the joy in a drama with thrilling elements.
This is not "Mission Impossible: Panties in a Twist" or whatever thelatest incarnation is. (And I do enjoy those!) This movie is is acharacter study, an abundance of beautiful cinematography, and a sharkchasing thriller all in one. There is a sense of realism, especiallywith the interactions between the characters, who react in line withtheir own backstories- characters who are simultaneously heroic,anti-heroic, brilliant, and ridiculously self absorbed and stupid.
Additionally, Dark Tide perfectly captured the sense of sheer peace andquiet that consumes you once your head is below the waves in the openocean. I've been scuba diving all over the world, and driven a boatlike in this movie. The movie captured the sense of reverence in thewater and for the water, and took me far away to reefs of my own past.
Is it thrilling? Absolutely- the action scenes were tense, and you feltthe weight of the sharks gliding silently just inches away. Is itslower? I was never bored. I enjoyed the characters, flaws and all. Inthe end, if anything, I wanted more closure and final introspection.But that is the only thing I found lacking. If you remotely like theocean and treat it as a thriller with a slower burn, you will enjoy themovie.
6 1/2 stars.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
While they do get interesting shots of Sharks throughout this movie Idon't understand (at all!) how this movie could be classified as athriller when it is clearly not one. The movie is so, so, so very slowto start.
They don't succeed in making you care about any of the characters. Whensomething supposedly "interesting" finally happens it isn't even like"wow!" it's just… boring. The don't do a great job and making itdramatic.
If you are looking for a shark thriller movie then this isn't yourflick. I didn't go into the movie expecting something like Jaws but Idid expect an interesting movie. This one falls short.
And Hallie Barry isn't even trying to act in this one and if she wasthen… that's depressing. The witty banter and whatnot between her andOlivier Martinez seems empty and they didn't make me believe that theyhad any sort of feelings for each other.
Avoid this movie. Don't waste the money.
01 Apr 2012, 10:45 am
Let me start off with using a lame pun: This shark movie is lackingbite. Alright, now that's out of the way, lets focus on what's soterribly wrong with this movie.
To be frank, I don't really know where to begin. I don't evennecessarily think this movie had a bad story in it but it's more theway it's getting handled and executed all, that makes this such a poorfilm to watch.
You would think that a movie involving sharks would at least besomething tense. But no, let me tell you that this movie is anabsolutely boring one. It's slow moving, though it strangely enoughstill sees itself as a tense action/thriller. Literly every scene inthis movie is at least 10 seconds too long, as if the director wasafraid to yell out 'cut!'. It not only makes the movie unnecessarilyslow but also stretched out, overlong and just plain boring.
Another thing that heavily annoyed me about this movie were itscharacters. They are far from likable enough and their motivations arejust plain weird and even constantly keep changing throughout thismovie, which makes it all far from a credible one.
Of course the movie does still feature some shark action in but Iactually remember very little about them, even though I just finishedwatching this movie a couple of minutes ago. The shark scene's aremostly being very dark and I had no idea what was happening at timesbecause. But it's also because this movie made me zone out a lotbecause it was being such an uninteresting that was hard to feelinvolved with, in any way or form.
The movie also constantly uses the same type of music throughout itsentire running time. Also during its action sequences, which definitelysounded completely out of place and made all of its action and tensemoments work out all the more ineffective.
This movie is mostly being an excuse for Halle Berry to show off herbody again but really, is that all you can do now days in movies MissBerry?
There is no reason why you should ever watch this movie.